Three, and the first of the goodbyes.


Trois, tres, toru. However you say it, we have reached the number inbetween four and two. (Special thanks to Mitchell, our friend and fellow East Wing resident, for snapping these shots for us in the empty lot next to Laidlaw College.)

Mel & Breno 3

Three is a bit of a sad number for us. To hit the three week mark was a pretty stark realization that our time left in NZ is very. limited. Emotions are quite mixed at this point, and becoming slightly more heightened at times.


This past weekend, the first of the goodbyes began.

Farewell Students

I was honored as around 25 past students and their parents gathered at a local park for a reunion/farewell gathering. Teaching these vibrant, caring young people has been a real highlight of my journey in NZ. It was truly heartwarming to be reunited with the kids with whom I shared some special times and made some fantastic memories with in Room 24… they are truly stellar young people, and I will never forget them.

I recently began a new blog to keep in touch with past students… you can check it out here, if you wish.


Who knows… maybe some of these fine young New Zealanders will even come and visit us in Canada one day on their O.E. (overseas experience)? Here’s hoping!

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